Event Entries 

Please note: If you have entered an event but you do not appear in the list below, or you are entered into the wrong event, please contact the event organiser (show on the Event Details page) as soon as possible.

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Entry DateNameCountyClubStatus
24/07/2023Nick BrightBerkshire entered
10/08/2023Emma Carver  entered
23/08/2023David CrippsHampshire entered
07/08/2023Frankie EvansLondon entered
07/09/2023Tom FlemingBerkshire entered
27/07/2023Jebin JestineBerkshire entered
31/07/2023Avais MahmoodBerkshire entered
14/08/2023Abi Mcsharry  entered
27/07/2023Jazmine Milton  entered
27/07/2023Alun MorrisBerkshire entered
03/08/2023Geraldine MurphyBerkshire entered
27/07/2023Samantha O'ConnellBerkshire entered
31/07/2023SAS ParmarHampshire entered
30/08/2023Jamie Read  entered
19/09/2023Matt Roden  entered
27/07/2023Robert Sealey  entered
Entry DateNameCountyClubStatus
01/08/2023Rachel Atherton  entered
30/08/2023Kathleen DunganBerkshire entered
22/08/2023Julie GreenBerkshire entered
01/08/2023Richard Hasley  entered
22/08/2023Donna Kearney  entered
29/07/2023Aaron LoosleyBerkshire entered
04/09/2023Max MerrettBerkshire  
17/07/2023Murugadoss PanneerselvamBerkshire entered
12/08/2023Will SparrowBerkshire entered
30/07/2023Elliot WinchBerkshire entered
31/07/2023Daniel WinterBerkshire entered